Wednesday, December 24, 2014

No safety nets

For some reason I started feeling old..I'm not talking about experience, which is definitely lacking..or wisdom (in the clever words of Joey Tribianni "I am pretty wisdomous"..this, of course, ain't a word..just a ingenious wordplay to combine the gray wisdom with the colorful childishness)..I feel like there are things that are getting out of my is true that, to some extent, I need control and it might be the worry that I'm not completely or a bit.. having it, but I see that the world is spinning fast and everybody is going along..except for a few our, if not complete, stillness..

I see that many are fighting and struggling to fulfill wishes, to gain favors and validation, to win/gain/obtain a special item, propriety or one..Should I consider this attitude flawed? Nope, is the aggression that bothers me..bothers?..neeah, see it as pitiful and good mocking material, even though I'm not a stranger sometimes and in some areas of my daily scramble..I still can not write 'Spur-of-the-Moment' on my name tag, nor do I want to or recommend

Interactions and wishes of close interactions with humans is where it gets interesting..I appreciate a person that is joyful and has a great sense of humor, but those that are in of achieving that desired purpose just show how selfish, ignorant and careless they are..I might be too rough..but it's tough love..What I've seen and bamboozles me is the way some of the 46 XY (intentionally put first) and some of the 46 XX ones seek desperately someone to 'more than befriend' as to fill the gap..which might be loneliness, fear, full range of issues, social pressure ..especially growing up in an christian-penticostal environment, for which I am so thankful and for sure blessed,  where you are pushed from behind to get into a relationship and marry fast and deal with later..just because most do then that the way to go?..My opinion is nay..

Sure, you may say..'I found the one..why wait?'..Well, have you considered, reconsidered?.. have you thought of the Cause and Effect?..what is really at the foundation of your feels, your actions?..are long thought for and certain feelings or just bursts of emotions and hormones?..have you considered that what decisions you make will benefit or slow your potential, reduce your happiness and possibly lead to ruin..Yesterday's certainty can be today's regret...'I am mature enough or I'll cross every bridge when I get to it'..Hmm..Spontaneity is cool..but, In my opinion a marriage or a relationship, for that matter, is the union of 2 gift from takes maturity to understand that, to put the right value on to yourself and demand more than 'well see'..'I have the resources to start a family'..I've heard this so many times..Financially independent and, achtung, fertig, los!'ll walk for a while and then trip..nothing is secure, other than His promises (which are enough) and the daily Big Tasty..It seems like it's the objective of finding the right person or finacial need and desires that are put in the first row, not experience, character building, seeking and finding your gift, the value in you and the path that God has embroidered to use you..Be still, talk, speak, laugh, take your time to experience great friends, experience pain, sorrow, losses,'s all for the build up..

Hmm...The older I get, the more I want to treat these things wisely and carefully think, act, invest in others, trust others, spend my time..interaction involves rick and there are no safety's either building up or falling down

 -I don't know-

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