Wednesday, November 5, 2014

For·tress - \ˈfȯr-trəs\

: a place that is protected against attack : a fortified place
: a fortified place :  stronghold; especially :  a large and permanent fortification

What is it to you? shelter, a place of refuge, a place of less attack..whatever it is.. it applies to all..Is that place where you gather your pieces and form them back together, where you crave and you get peace and from harm...Call the doctor! I have a case of the feels!..oh, wait..

I do not know squat about engineering..really, really awful..but it is not the building that I am tête-à-tête-ing about..I feel a bit too 'out of the box'-ish today..but, bare with me..

I do not know how people see me, I only know how I see me..I might be loud (probably to the point of obnoxious) when I need to be quiet and I might be quiet when I should be loud...I might be too trustful when I should be more aware and I might be too on the surface, too 'not too deep' when I should God has given me an amazing stubbornness (I guess..these two combined make a ball of obnoxiousness..but that has never stopped me)..

Do you know that awesome feeling when you meet someone and you instantly know This is a person after my own heart!.. I realized..again..after great life experience (a few, this has to be groundbreaking!) that there is so much fulfillment in quality, not quantity..Quantity is great in boasts your self-esteem, it makes you feel important, it eliminates boredom..but these are superficial and slippery., that is hard..although I think I am a people person, a people pleaser (yeah, I know..)..I did not have a human to which I can pour everything, and I needed one..Deep, meaningful relationships demand vulnerability..and that means surpassing defensive barriers, overcoming the fright of revealing yourself as you are..fragile, weak or weakened, sinful,..I searched and found some amazing blessings in human form. I think meeting someone with the same mindset as you is, if you have that friend..hold on! 

I had to go through some hardship and my fortress crumbled down and became the grace of God, the walls are recovering..but He empowered strong fortresses around me to get back the crumbling pieces and build back (and y'all know who you are and I am beyond grateful and appreciative of every word..both of encouragement and delicate reprimand) I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people..but when I say I'm sorry, I actually mean..I wasn't made for rivalry..I really can NOT take on this world alone..Actually, I do not understand rivalry..why dish on each other when we are called to be brothers and sisters?..Why the need to build your walls higher when we know there is no one greater that the other?..just for a name? for recognition?..So temporary..and useless. Why not be the wheels, not the the one that does the work, be the one that initiates a friendship..and work on it, make it that awesome 5 star quality will only benefit, be the one that stands still, that does what he has to do gratefully..for the true, real reason he is meant (to bring glory to God in anything and everything)..and Be quick to laugh! (to quote from a great inspiration of mine - 'Sometimes me thinks..What is a friend? And then me say..Friend is someone to share last cookie with'  -The Cookie Monster)

My walls are recovering..and the new design is better 
 - I don't know-

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